Dangerous Animals Registry

This Dangerous Animal Registry (“Registry”) was created in accordance with Anne Arundel County Code § 12-4- 406 which took effect on September 7, 2017. 


The Registry provides citizens with access to information about animals residing in Anne Arundel County which have been designated by Anne Arundel County Animal Care & Control to be Potentially Dangerous or Dangerous. A “Pending” status means that Animal Care & Control has issued an Administrative Order but the Order is not yet final. This Registry applies to animals designated as Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous prior to September 7, 2017, and to animals designated as Dangerous on or after September 7, 2017.The following information is provided on the Registry:

  • The animal’s name, picture (animals may have aged since picture), sex, age, weight, primary breed, secondary breed, color, markings and whether or not the animal is spayed or neutered
  • The address or map location of where the animal is maintained
  • The animal owner’s name and address

Pursuant to §12-4- 406(B) owners of Potentially Dangerous or Dangerous Animals must submit a license renewal that includes all the information contained in the original registration and any updates. These license renewals must be completed annually for the life of the animal. Additionally, in the event that contact information for the owner changes, the owner shall update Animal Care & Control within 10 days of the change. The owner shall also comply with any notification requirements in the original Order regarding the animal’s location and disposition. Animal Care & Control will post any updates to the Registry within a reasonable period of time.

If you wish to obtain a copy of a Potentially Dangerous Order or Dangerous Order for a specific animal you may complete an online records request or in person at the Central Records Section of the Police Department. The County will attempt to fulfill requests as soon as possible; however, it may take up to 30 days.

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