Liquor License Classifications

Listing of liquor license classes and descriptions.

Liquor License Renewal

The 2025 License Renewal form is available between March 2nd and April 30th.

Renew your License here

Liquor licenses are generally grouped or classified by their CLASS, TYPE, and SPECIAL designations. Some examples as they appear on a license: 

  • "C(BW) M" is a class C (Club license, on sale only. On premises consumption only by members and guests), type BW (Beer & Wine only), special M (allowed to play record music).
  • "D(BWL)" is a tavern allowed on and off sales of beer, wine & liquor. 


Click on the License Class for more information.


 (Beer, Wine & Liquor) Gift Basket permit, whose primary business is the sale and delivery of flowers; whose business includes the sale and delivery of gift baskets of flowers, food, or other items; and who does not hold any other alcoholic beverages license or permit under this article. The Board may not issue the permit for use in conjunction with or on the premises of a chain store, supermarket, or discount house.

Licensing Fees:

The price is $100.00

Other Special License Available:

No special license is available


(Beer & Wine) Movie Theater, on-premises consumption by a patron who has purchased a ticket to a current or future showing of a movie on the licensed premises. A license holder may sell beer or wine between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight in single-serve containers from a counter separate from a counter serving food and nonalcoholic beverages. A license holder may serve a patron only a single serving of beer or wine at a time, with a maximum of two servings of beer or wine per patron per day.

Licensing Fees:

The price is $1,200.00

Other Special License Available:

No special license is available.


(Beer & Wine) Barbershop and beauty salon license, the license authorizes the license holder to provide not more than 12 ounces of beer or 5 ounces of wine by the glass for on-premises consumption by a barbershop or beauty salon customer. A license holder may serve beer and wine for on-premises consumption during normal business hours but not later than 9 p.m.

Licensing Fees:

The price is $100.00

Other Special License Available:

No special license is available.


(Beer/Wine) or (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Off sale only, no consumption on the licensed premises.

Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Beer/Wine TastingBW or BWL$50.00
Wine TastingBW$50.00
Wine TastingBWL$150.00


(Beer/Wine) or (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Restaurant, on and off sales. Must operate a kitchen and serve hot meals at least twice daily.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Special Wine Sampling *N/AN/C
Special Late Hours **N/A$10.00
Outside Service $100.00

* No charge, however permission must be granted

** Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.


(Beer/Wine) or (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Club license, on sale only. On premises consumption only by members and guests


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Outside Service $100.00


(Beer/Wine) or (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Restaurant, on and off sales. 


Licensing Fees:

BWL (ON SALE)$1080.00$120.00$100.00$300.00$400.00
BWL (ON/OFF SALE)$1200.00$120.00$100.00$300.00$400.00


Other Special License Available:

Late Hours *N/A$10.00
Outside Service $100.00

* Bowling alleys with twenty (20) lanes or more. Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.


(Beer/Wine) or (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Tavern, limited to premises consumption only.


Licensing Fees:

BWL (ON SALE)$1080.00$120.00$100.00$300.00$400.00
BWL (ON/OFF SALE)$1200.00$120.00$100.00$300.00$400.00


Other Special License Available:

Late Hours *N/A$10.00
Outside Service $100.00

* Bowling alleys with twenty (20) lanes or more. Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.


(Beer/Wine) or (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Restaurant, on premises consumption only. Must operate a kitchen and serve hot meals at least twice daily.

NOTE: Under some circumstances, an individual may hold more than one Class H license (Class H (M)). These circumstances are described in the Maryland Annotated Code.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Late Hours *N/A$10.00
Outside Service $100.00

* Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m


(Beer/Wine) or  (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Restaurant, on premises consumption only. Must operate a kitchen and serve hot meals at least twice daily. Under some circumstances, an individual may hold more than one Class H license. These circumstances are described in the Maryland Annotated Code

NOTE: Under some circumstances, an individual may hold more than one Class H license (Class H (M)). These circumstances are described in the Maryland Annotated Code.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Late Hours *N/A$10.00
Outside Service $100.00

* Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m


Deluxe Restaurant (Beer/Wine/Liquor) Maximum of 10, 7-day, on sale only. Must qualify as a restaurant, minimum of 100 seats for dining, no more than 25% of seating capacity in the cocktail lounge/bar area, parking facilities for minimum of 175 vehicles and a minimum capital investment of at least $800,000. exclusive of the cost of land/buildings.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Outside Service$100.00


Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Complex, on sale only. Allows for Sunday sales, music and dancing


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Late Hours *$10.00

* Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m


Special Airport Terminal Buildings, permits the sale of any and all alcoholic beverages within the confines of the airport terminal buildings.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

None Available with the License Class


Special Race Track, permits the sale of any and all alcoholic beverages within the confines of the racing park. The hours during which sales of alcoholic beverages may be made are from two hours preceding the running and/or simulcasting any authorized race until two hours after the running and/or simulcasting any authorized race, and not otherwise.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Outside Service$10.00


Special Beer and Wine Festival, permits the sale of beer and wine at the Anne Arundel County Beer and Wine Festival in accordance with of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The annual fee for such license shall be $2,500.00 and said license can only be issued to a holder of an existing State Retail Alcoholic Beverage License, State Class 3 Winery License, or State Class 4 Winery License. A special AABWF license shall only be accepted during the month of November of the preceding year for which the festival is to be held, and a hearing shall be held on the issuance of the license commencing in January of the year for which the festival is to be held.  The Board shall have the authority to limit or condition the license in any manner deemed reasonable by the Board in furtherance of the provisions contained  in Alcoholic Beverages I, Titles 1-12


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

None Available with this License Class


Special Country Club License, permits the sale of alcohol for on sale only, must have at least 200 members with dues not less than $75.00 annual, must have two (2) or more tennis courts and a swimming pool at least 30'x80' in size.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Outside Service$100.00


Entertainment Facility, a facility that holds a license under Title 9, Subtitle 1A of the State Government Article.  An entertainment facility license authorizes the holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor on any premises of the entertainment facility that is not covered by an entertainment concessionaire license for consumption anywhere in the entertainment facility. The hours for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages under an entertainment facility license or an entertainment concessionaire license are the same as the hours of operation for a video lottery facility established under § 9–1A–23 of the State Government Article. An off–sale privilege is not conferred by an entertainment facility license or an entertainment concessionaire license.


Licensing Fees:



Other Special License Available:

Outside Service$100.00


Entertainment Concessionaire, authorizes the holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor on the premises of the concessionaire for consumption anywhere in the entertainment facility. An off–sale privilege is not conferred by an entertainment facility license or an entertainment concessionaire license.


Licensing Fees:


Other Special License Available:


License Types

License TYPE (Distinguishes between the right to sell and/or serve "beer and wine" only, or "beer and wine and liquor.")
Type BWType BW permits beer and wine only.
Type BWLType BWL permits beer, wine and liquor.


Special Licenses

(available for certain classes)

License SPECIAL (Distinguishes certain licenses as having "special" rights, such as the right to play music, have dancing, etc. Further, there is a special "1-day" liquor license.)
Special 1-dayOn sale only. Issued only to persons holding any non-profit club, society or association at the place described in the license, for a period not exceeding seven consecutive days from the effective date thereof.
Special Sunday (S)Allows for Sunday sales.
Special Music (M)Licensee is permitted to play recorded music or live music with no more than two musicians.
Special Entertainment (E)Licensee may allow the playing of more than one television, live entertainment with not more than four musicians, karaoke and a disc jockey.
Special Dancing (D)Licensee is permitted to have live and/or recorded music, dancing, and other legal forms of entertainment.
Special Beer/Wine Tasting (BWT)Permits issued to Class A licenses only, for tasting purposes, on premises, of light wine and beer. The licensee may not serve more than one (1) ounce of light wine from each gain brand to any one (1) person; and beer to be served in the quantity of not more than three (3) ounces to any one (1) person.
Special Wine Sampling (WS)Permits issued to bona fide nonprofit organization(s) only. Authorizes the consumption of wine for tasting or sampling purposes: on Class B (Beer &Wine) (Beer, Wine & Liquor) licensed premises with the consent of the licensee; or on premises without a permanent alcoholic beverages license. The permit holder may not serve more than two (2) ounces from each brand to any one (1) person. Nonprofit organization shall apply fifteen 15 days prior to the day of issuance; and may not be issued more than twelve (12) permits a year. The permit holder is authorized to bring wine on a Class B licensed premises for sampling or tasting only.
Special Late Hours (LH)

May be issued to a Class B license, Hotel, Motel, Restaurant Complex license, Class A license with retail sale of alcoholic beverages which do not exceed 25 percent of the licensees total retail volume, Class H license, or to any bowling alley holding a Class B or Class D license, with twenty (20) lanes or more. Permits the holder to serve food only until specified hour. All alcoholic beverages must be kept under lock and key between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Generally, the license will show the hours permitted, for example: "LH (6 AM)".

Special Growler License (GR)Refillable container license - Growler        
(1) The Board may issue a refillable container license to a holder of a Class A license, a Class B license, or a Class D license.       
(2) Subject to paragraph (4) of this subsection, a refillable container license entitles the license holder to sell draft beer for consumption off the licensed premises in a refillable container with a capacity of not less than 32 ounces and not more than 128 ounces.       
(3) To be used as a refillable container under paragraph (3) of this subsection, a container shall:       
(i) Be sealable;       
(ii) Be branded with an identifying mark of a license holder;       
(iii) Bear the federal health warning statement required for containers of alcoholic beverages under 27 C.F.R. 16.21;       
(iv) Display instructions for cleaning the container; and       
(v) Bear a label stating that:       
1. Cleaning the container is the responsibility of the consumer; and       
2. The contents of the container are perishable and should be refrigerated immediately and consumed within 48 hours after purchase.
Special Crowler License (CR)Nonrefillable container permit -- Draft beer.        
(a) Authorized permit holder. -- The Board may issue a nonrefillable container permit for draft beer to a holder of a Class A license, a Class B license, or a Class D license.       
(b) Application form. -- An applicant for the permit shall complete the form that the Board provides.       
(c) Hours of sale. -- The hours of sale for the permit:       
   (1) begin at the same time as those for the underlying license; and       
   (2) end at midnight.       
(d) Regulations. -- The Board shall adopt regulations to carry out this section.       
(e) Fees. --       
   (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the annual permit fees are:       
      (i) $ 50 for an applicant whose license has an off-sale privilege; and       
      (ii) $ 500 for an applicant whose license does not have an off-sale privilege.       
   (2) An applicant who has a refillable container permit may not be charged a fee for a nonrefillable container permit.