Liquor License Renewal
The 2025 License Renewal form is available between March 2nd and April 30th.
Renew your License here
One-Day Class C, Special Alcoholic Beverage License
A One-Day license allows non-profit organizations, clubs, associations, societies and groups of people to hold one-time events where alcoholic beverages are served and/or consumed. The license is of Class C, “Special One-Day”. The Type may be “Beer & Wine” or “Beer, Wine & Liquor”. The requirements and fees are generally much smaller for a One-Day license than for other (permanent) types. Also, no public hearing is required.
1) For any event where alcoholic beverages are served/consumed, held by a bona fide non-profit organization, where participants are charged money in any way. (For-profit organizations cannot obtain a One-Day license.)
Outdoor Service
A letter, addressed to the Board of License Commissioners requesting Outdoor Service.
- An illustration (does not have to be professionally commissioned or to scale, but must be clear and legible and photos are encouraged along with the illustration) that contains the following information:
- The outdoor service area in relation to the existing establishment on the premises.
- Basic dimensions within the Illustration.
- Designated perimeter with clearly marked entry or exit points from within the building and any entry or exit points from the outside service area. (Signage may be used, in lieu of outdoor ingress/egress points, with the consultation and approval of the Board).
- Permission from the property owner.
- Any permits that may be required (e.g. pursuant to Planning and Zoning regulations as approved by Inspections and Permits) are presented (e.g. if the service is on a sidewalk or parking lot, may require permission from Inspection and Permits, any tent over 200 square ft, would require).
A detailed description of how the alcohol will be served and monitored.
The Board
The Board consists of a Chairman and two Commissioners, all three of whom are appointed by the Governor every two years. Not more than two of the three Board members may be from the same political party. By custom, the senior state Senator recommends the Board Chairman to the Governor. New appointments are effective on May 1 of odd years (for example, May 1, 2009.) The following are hired by the Board: an attorney, 3 staff personnel who work full time at the Liquor Board offices,1 chief inspector, 1 deputy chief inspector, and 16 inspectors. Inspectors, working part-time, investigate complaints and violations, inspect establishments, and “have all the powers of a peace officer or a constable or sheriff of the State of Maryland.”
Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages I, Titles 1-12, directs that each county, plus the cities of Baltimore and Annapolis, will establish and maintain a “Board of License Commissioners” to regulate and control the retail sale of alcohol within their respective jurisdictions. Annotated Code of Maryland, Alcoholic Beverages I, Titles 1-12, specifies how Boards are appointed and constituted, their jurisdictions and powers, ethics rules, and generally how they will operate.