AACC Health & Life Sciences Grand Opening

HLSB sim

It was an exciting moment for Anne Arundel County Community College and residents at the grand opening of the new Health and Life Sciences Building.

HLSB tour 4B

This state of the art facility will help faculty and staff educate and train the next generation of medical support professionals, emergency responders, biologists and much more.

HLSB speaker

It was an honor to be part of this monumental moment and present the citation to Dr. Lindsay on behalf of the County Council.

HLSB tour 4A

If you or someone you know has an interest in pursuing this amazing career path, be sure to visit AACC for more information.

HLSB 6 group

HLSB 7 building

 Photos courtesy of AACC and Governor Hogan's photographer:  Joe Andrucyk