Blog Dec 2023 Beau 1


Last month, the Anne Arundel County Council held an inaugural ceremony, recognizing members of the community who have played a critical role in the legislative process with the Citizen Legislator Award.  I’m so blessed to represent a district with many involved people, but one stood out among others because of the variety of roles he has that give him a perspective I have come to rely on when considering legislation. Beau Breeden received the award last night, and it was an honor to recognize the dedication  and commitment he gives to his community and our district.

Blog Dec 2023 Beau 2


I’ve worked with Beau on a variety of issues.  Riparian rights, funding for shore line restoration, permit, and event legislation. When considering legislation, I often reach out to Beau for his thoughts, because he represents one of the largest communities in our county as President of the Cape St Claire Improvement Association, and may identify unintended consequences for communities county wide.  Beau also served this year as the President of the Eastern District Police Community Relations Council, member of the stakeholder advisory council for AACo Plan 2040, and on the board for the Broadneck Council of Communities.

Beau, you are an asset to our community and so deserving of this recognition. Thank you for all that you do!

Resolution 51-23