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Arundel Center

Annapolis, MD (June 1, 2021) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman announced today the timeline for County buildings for staff and the general public. Staff will return on July 6, and all County buildings will be to the public beginning on July 19.

“For the past several months, our team worked with department leadership and staff to ensure a smooth and safe process for our public buildings,” County Executive Steuart Pittman said. “The return to County offices is only possible because of the progress we have made with containing the pandemic and getting folks vaccinated. If you haven’t been yet, go get your shot - we need a summer surge in vaccinations to prevent a fall surge in cases.”

The timeline allows agency staff to transition back into workspaces, while a new County telework policy is under final review to allow employees to continue working remote, pending relevant approvals.

“We’ll be working closely with agency leadership to track the effectiveness of the process,” Chief Administrative Officer Matt Power said. “In particular, we will be closely monitoring COVID-related protocols as employees return to workspaces, as the health and safety of our workforce remains a top priority.”