bus shortage

This month the County Council passed Resolution 12-22, urging the Board of Education to delay start time changes until at least the 2023-2024 school year. This non-binding resolution is a statement from the Council body to the Board of Education. Any adjustments to the plan will still be up to the board.

This was a concern I, and Councilman Nathan Volke shared in a letter to the Board last month, which was covered in this May 15th article in The Capital:


"School officials say they are making adjustments that will increase bus system efficiencies as start times change. But some residents and county leaders are raising concerns that the schedule change will make matters worse — putting additional pressure on a system that’s already stretched.

County Councilmembers Nathan Volke and Amanda Fiedler said they have heard from dozens of constituents, as well as transportation companies, who are worried about the time change next school year. Fiedler said there is support for changing the start times, but 2022-23 isn’t the year to do it.

Ultimately it is the school board’s decision, she said in an interview Friday, but the level of noise from the community warranted a letter asking for a delay.

“There is pretty consistent concern that the transportation challenges will not right themselves in order for this to be a successful roll out,” said Fiedler, an Arnold Republican." "