Resolution 15-18

RESOLUTION proposing an amendment to the Charter of Anne Arundel County restricting the County Council to increase the minimum value of purchases and contracts requiring full competitive bidding from $25,000

Introduced by Mr. Peroutka, Chairman (by request of the County Executive)

RESOLUTION proposing an amendment to the Charter of Anne Arundel County restricting the County Council to increase  the minimum value of purchases and contracts requiring full competitive bidding from $25,000 to an amount not less than $25,000 and not greater than $50,000 or a greater amount determined by the County Council to be in the best interest of the County, and requiring that the award of contracts greater than $5,000 and less than the minimum dollar requirement for full competitive bidding shall be awarded through a simplified competitive process except as otherwise provided by law; and requiring that the County Purchasing Agent shall cause to be published on the Anne Arundel County website all awards of contracts through the full and simplified bidding processes for capital improvements, contractual services, professional services, or supplies of $5,000 or greater awarded by the County in accordance with the Anne Arundel County Code


