County Council Meeting/Work Session - January 14

Contact Information


Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025


44 Calvert Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

The purpose of this legislative session is for the introduction of legislation only. While a general public hearing will be offered for any item not on the printed agenda, the Anne Arundel County Council will not be holding public hearings or conducting votes on any pending legislation. The regularly scheduled work session will directly follow the legislative session.  

Worksessions are subject to change.  Please view the Printable Meeting Schedule link for information on an upcoming worksession.

Submit Testimony

Online testimony can be submitted by clicking on one of the buttons below and filling out the resulting form. Please be careful when selecting a bill or resolution number from the drop down list to ensure it is the specific piece of legislation on which you wish to submit testimony.

(Registering to speak during a meeting is a separate step found under Sign up to Speak at a Public Hearing below)

View the listing of current legislation

The online testimony tool allows you to submit written testimony of up to 250 words that includes your contact information and the specific bill or resolution or other subject at issue. You may also attach files that exceed this limit. Any testimony submitted online is received and reviewed by the entire Council as it is submitted. 

Legislative testimony submitted using the online tool must be submitted no later than 11:00 A.M. on the day of the meeting that the bill or resolution will be heard. View the full meeting schedule. After 11:00 A.M., legislation being heard that day will no longer be available in the online testimony tool. Testimony submitted using the "Invite to Audience" tool may not be on a bill or resolution that is on the agenda for a specific meeting.

Testimony submitted online by 11:00 A.M. will be posted on the Council’s website on the day of the meeting. A final count of the number of online submissions will be stated during the meeting and all submissions will become part of the public record.

Click here to provide testimony on a specific bill or resolution

Click here to submit testimony on general matters during Invitation to Audience

Members of the public can now register ahead of time to testify in person during the Invitation to Audience portion of the meeting and any public hearings on legislation. Online registration to testify closes at 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. A final call for testimony will be made just prior to the conclusion of each public hearing held during the meeting. Please note, spoken testimony will be limited to 2 minutes per person for each opportunity to be heard. 

Register to testify in-person at the next County Council Meeting

You may submit your typed or written testimony or other forms of testimony by mailing it or delivering it to the outside drop-box designated for this.

Submit via U.S. Mail

Mail to: 

County Council for Anne Arundel County  
44 Calvert Street  
Annapolis, MD 21401

Drop Off

Drop written testimony into the small box labeled “County Council Testimony” outside the main entrance of the Arundel Center at 44 Calvert Street.

Drop Box

If you have a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in a Council meeting, please contact the Administrative Officer at least 72 hours before the meeting to discuss your accessibility needs. The Administrative Officer may be reached by email at or by telephone at (410) 222-1401. TTY users, please use Maryland Relay, 7-1-1.