County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Chesapeake Terrace Landfill Permit Denial

Annapolis, MD (November 15, 2024) - County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement regarding the Maryland Department of the Environment's denial of Halle Companies refuse disposal permit.

“The Maryland Department of the Environment’s decision to deny the Halle Companies’

Chesapeake Terrace Landfill application for a permit to create a landfill adjacent to the Two Rivers Community correctly recognizes that the proposed landfill is a risk to public health due to the proximity of the Two Rivers Elementary School and the intersection of the WB&A Trail.

"Much has changed in the immediate area surrounding the landfill since it was first proposed. Thousands of homes have been built adjacent to the proposed landfill as well as an elementary school to educate the children who live in those homes.

"I want to thank the community leaders who have been engaged with the landfill issues for so long through both Forks of the Patuxent Improvement Association and the Two Rivers Residents Landfill Opposition Committee.

"As a next step, I will be reaching out directly to the Halle Companies to begin discussions about preserving the land for nature and passive recreation, either in partnership with the county or a local land conservation organization."