County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Circuit Court’s Denial of Preliminary Injunction

Annapolis, MD (Jan. 25, 2022) County Executive Steuart Pittman released the following statement regarding the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court’s denial of the preliminary injunction regarding the face covering requirement implemented by Anne Arundel County Health Officer Dr. Nilesh Kalyanaraman. 

“I want to thank the Court for again recognizing Dr. Kalyanaraman’s authority to issue this order under his powers as our Health Officer. I hope and anticipate the expiration of the order on January 31st, as it has accomplished what Dr. Kalyanaraman intended - flattening the curve of the omicron wave during a critical moment for our hospitals and healthcare workers. 

Thank you to all of our residents, our businesses, and our hospitals who spoke out in support of masking to protect their communities, and thank you to all those who have been vaccinated and boosted. Your choices continue to save the lives of your loved ones and neighbors.”