County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Director of Environmental Policy Matt Johnston’s Departure to Lead Arundel Rivers Federation

Annapolis, MD (March 23, 2022) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement on the departure of Director of Environmental Policy Matt Johnston, who will become Executive Director of the Arundel Rivers Federation:

“During my campaign for this office I promised to create a new high level position in my administration to direct all environmental policy matters. Matt Johnston came in and did more than direct. He initiated. 

“Matt was the primary author and steward of our forest conservation program, our first-in-the-nation independent resilience authority, our stormwater strike team program, our fleet electrification and renewable energy programs, and our green infrastructure plan. He created our Citizens Environmental Commission and ensured that Plan 2040 was green, sustainable, and equitable. 

“The programs that Matt launched in county government will continue as long as I am in this office, but his extraordinary talents will now be directed to building the grass-roots movement outside of government that will ensure that this county never goes backwards. Arundel Rivers Federation will have the talent that it needs to become a uniting and amplifying force for the protection of the South, Rhode, and West Rivers, and for watersheds everywhere.

“Thank you Matt, for lending your skills, your passion, and your generosity to our ongoing effort to make Anne Arundel County The Best Place - For All.”