County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Governor’s Veto of Local Tax Relief for Working Families Act of 2021

Annapolis, MD (May 28, 2021) - County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement regarding Governor’s veto of the Local Tax Relief for Working Families Act of 2021 (SB133/HB319):

“I was disappointed to learn that Governor Hogan has vetoed the Local Tax Relief For Working Families Act of 2021. The bill passed with support from the bipartisan Maryland Association of Counties and votes from representatives of both political parties.

The 1999 shift from progressive to flat rate income taxes for all Maryland Counties was a blow to working families, and one of many tax policy blunders that fueled the harsh disparities that exist today. This bill would have allowed voters and their elected representatives in each county to restore progressivity to local income taxes if they chose to do so. In our county, that would have meant an income tax cut for 95% of our residents.

I trust that the people’s representatives to the Maryland General Assembly will override the Governor’s veto when they return to Annapolis next year.”