County Executive Pittman Signs Executive Order #32

Annapolis, Md (September 21, 2020) Today County Executive Steuart Pittman signed Executive Order #32, effective at 5:00 p.m. on September 21. The executive order allows indoor theaters and outdoor performance venues to open in the county, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 25. 

INDOOR THEATERS. Indoor theaters where live performances occur or motion pictures are shown may open to the general public at 50 percent capacity, or 100 people per auditorium—whichever is less—with appropriate health and safety protocols in place.

OUTDOOR VENUES. Outdoor venues where live performances occur or motion pictures are shown outdoors may open to the general public at 50 percent capacity, or 100 people—whichever is less—with appropriate health and safety protocols in place.

The new order also allows organized outdoor events of up to 100 people. The county’s restrictions on social gatherings remain in place with limits of 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors. However, organized events of up to 100 people are now permitted, provided they have a plan for social distancing and designated event organizers to ensure face coverings and social distancing protocols are followed.

The order maintains the county’s 50 percent maximum occupancy for foodservice establishments and the 10:00 p.m. closing time for bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.  

Finally, the order changes the maximum occupancy for retail businesses from a square footage calculation to 50 percent of the maximum occupancy under the fire code. 

County Executive Pittman made these policy decisions following careful review of industry safety protocols and impacts of reopening on other jurisdictions, and in consultation with health experts, his recovery work group, and others.