County Executive Pittman Signs Executive Order for Additional Stage 2 Reopening Actions

Annapolis, Md. (June 12, 2020) Today, Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman signed Executive Order #25, which rescinds previous executive orders and largely aligns Anne Arundel County with Stage 2 of the state’s Roadmap to Recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The executive order allows outdoor amusements and limited indoor seating at restaurants to open beginning at 5:00 p.m. on June 12. The order also reopens private and community playgrounds.

Though the county is now aligned with the state, Executive Order #25 maintains the maximum occupancy thresholds for retail businesses and personal services businesses based on square footage and the contact tracing protocol the Health Department established for personal services businesses. 

The state prohibition on gatherings of 10 people or more has been lifted. However, the Governor and County Executive Pittman both recommend people continue following the latest guidance from the Center for Disease Control and the Maryland Department of Health regarding social distancing, including avoiding large gatherings and crowded places.

As an additional layer of safety, County Health Officer Dr. Nilesh Kalyanaraman issued a revised public health order that requires face coverings in indoor public areas, retail stores, and on public transportation, except to the extent a face covering on a customer would make it impossible for permitted services to be performed or when a health condition prevents its usage. For example, diners are not expected to wear face coverings in restaurants when they are seated at their table.    

County Executive Pittman anticipates the following additional openings to occur on June 19, provided that COVID-19 public health metrics continue their current trends:

indoor fitness facilities, 

casinos, arcades and malls 

restrooms and playgrounds in county parks.

Guidance documents, executive orders and other reopening resources are available on the county’s Road to Recovery website: