As a result of funding from the Nonprofit Center, Anne Arundel County Libraries recently expanded its popular grant research tools by Candid from one branch to all 16 library locations. Candid’s Foundation Directory and Grants for Individuals databases offer nonprofits and individuals access to more than 240,000 grant makers, the ability to connect with key decision makers through LinkedIn integration, collaboration opportunities with other nonprofits and information on which funders are more likely to provide support. In addition to access to the databases from all libraries, AACPL also provides specially trained staff at the Brooklyn Park, Busch Annapolis, Crofton, Glen Burnie, Odenton and Severna Park libraries for one-on-one assistance on using the tools. Additionally, special upcoming workshops for grant seekers are scheduled starting next month including:
- Introduction to Finding Grants on February 21 at 2 pm at Busch Annapolis Library
- Grantseeking Resources on March 20 at 2 pm at Busch Annapolis Library
- Introduction to Proposal Writing on*April 24 at 2 pm on Zoom
- Introduction to Project Budgets on *May 15 at 2 pm on Zoom
* Registration required and opens two weeks before each event.
View full press release HERE.