Real Property Tax Rates: (Per $100 Taxable Assessment)
State of Maryland | $0.112 |
Anne Arundel County | $0.983 |
Tax Bill Payments
All checks should be made payable to “Anne Arundel County” and may be sent in the enclosed remittance envelope. Credit card and eCheck payments are accepted only through the County’s website: (NOTE: There is a convenience fee assessed for a payment made with a credit card or for an eCheck payment.) When County offices are open to the public, cash or check payments may be made at the following cashier locations. Access to the website is also available.
- The Arundel Center 44 Calvert Street, Annapolis
- Heritage Office Park 2664 Riva Road, Annapolis
- The Arundel Center North 101 North Crain Highway, Glen Burnie
*Yellow drop boxes are available at all three locations for making check or money order payments.
Semiannual Tax Payment Option
Real property taxes on a homeowners’ “principal residence” can be paid on an optional semiannual payment basis. One half of your tax bill is due September 30, and the balance is due on December 31. The second payment includes a service charge that is 1.08% on the balance of the payment.
Taxpayers who escrow their tax payments may choose to pay annually, but must notify their lenders by May 1st of their intent to pay annually.
Other Departments | Specified Items |
Public Works (1.7%) | CAO Contingency (0.6%) |
Planning & Zoning / Inspections & Permits (1.3%) | PayGo (3.1%) |
Recreation & Parks (1.5%) | Debt Service (3.0%) |
Central Services (1.6%) | Self Insurance (0.7%) |
Office of Information Technology (1.7%) | Revenue Reserve (0.3%) |
Other (4.5%) | Retiree Health & OPEB (1.6%) |
Sub-Total (12.3%) | Sub-Total (9.3%) |
Homeowners' Property Tax Credit
The Maryland Homeowners’ Property Tax Credit Program, and the Anne Arundel County supplement, is administered by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation. Credits are granted to eligible homeowners based on household income. Anyone whose combined gross household family income is below $60,000 should consider this program. Applications may be obtained by calling (410) 767-4433 or 1 (800) 944-7403, or by going to:
Homestead Tax Credit
The Maryland Homestead Tax Credit Program was established to help homeowners deal with large assessment increases. The Homestead Credit limits the increase in taxable assessments each year to a fixed percentage. Every county and municipality in Maryland is required to limit taxable assessment increases to 10% or less each year. Anne Arundel County has established this limit to be 2%. In the City of Annapolis, the limit is set at 10%, which applies to taxes levied by the City of Annapolis. The Homestead Credit applies only to the principal residence of the property owner. More information is available at:
To determine if you are eligible for the Homestead Tax credit for your specific property address, go to the Department’s website,, and then click on “Search the Real Property Database” under Online Services on the home page. Enter your property address on the data search page, and at the bottom of the page of your property assessment record, the status of your Homestead application will be shown.
If you have not filed an application, you can call the Department’s Homestead program at (410) 767-2165 or 1 (866)-650-8783 (toll free). Applications must be submitted by December 31, in order to be eligible for the Homestead Credit beginning July 1, of the following year.