UPDATE Residential Structure Fire: Churchton, MD
Arson - Suspect Charged with Attempted Murder
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2023
Time: 5:47 am
Location/Address: 5613 Carroll Street, Churchton MD 20733
Type of Incident: Residential Structure Fire - Arson
Description of Structure/Property: 1-story residential home.
Injuries or Deaths: - 1 adult female was taken to Bayview in serious but non-life-threatening condition for burns.
Estimated Dollar Loss: $200,000
Smoke Alarm Status: Unknown
Assisting Fire Departments: Annapolis Fire Department, Prince George's County Fire/EMS Department, Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department.
Other Agencies: Anne Arundel County Police Department
Number of Alarms: Working Fire Dispatch, 1 Alarm
Number of Responding Firefighters: 62
Time to Control: 30 minutes
Discovered By: Resident
Area of Origin: Hallway outside bedrooms
Preliminary Cause: Incendiary/intentionally set fire.
On October 24, 2023, at approximately 0547 hours, Anne Arundel County Fire units were dispatched to a fire at 5613 Carroll St, Churchton, MD. The homeowner/occupant called 911 and advised that her adult daughter had set fire to her home. The 911 caller stated she was able to get out of the house but was unsure where her daughter was. Fire Department Units arrived to find the 911 caller in the front yard. The caller had escaped the fire through a bedroom window and was transported to a local burn center in serious but not life-threatening condition.
AACo Police and AACo Fire Investigators were able to detain and identify the suspect on the scene, where she was transported to AAMC for an emergency evaluation and admitted to the hospital. The suspect was identified as Laurie Ann Canavan, DOB 10/18/72 (Daughter of the victim). AACo Fire Investigators were able to determine the cause of the fire to be an intentional set with the area of origin in the hallway near the bedrooms.
Anne Arundel County Fire Investigators filled for an Application of Charges on October 24, 2023, and a warrant was subsequently issued for the following charges: Attempted Murder 1st degree, Attempted Murder 2nd degree, Arson 1st Degree, Arson 2nd Degree, Assualt 1st degree, Assult 2nd degree and False Imprisonment. On Nov 2, 2023, Laurie Ann Canavan was arrested and charged. She is currently being held at the AACo Detention Center without bond.