Penelope Green

Penelope Green
Anne Arundel Community College

Penelope Green is currently taking a gap year post high school graduation. In college, she intends to pursue a major in Public Policy. Penelope has excelled academically as well as in her extracurricular activities. In addition to achieving Honor Roll her senior year of high school, she was a member of the National Honor Society (NHS) where she promoted impactful causes among her school and local community. As part of her senior capstone, she worked with the Community Dining Room, a small nonprofit focused on providing fundamental human needs, to fundraise for a diaper drive for single mothers. She also served as a Peer Mentor for incoming freshmen, guiding her mentee towards social and academic success.

Penelope aspires to affect positive change within her community. She actively participates in nonprofits benefiting the Anne Arundel community. During her gap year, she has worked with the Children’s Theater of Annapolis (CTA) to put on a production of the Little Mermaid. She also volunteered with the Annapolis Light House Shelter, a nonprofit organization focused on supporting the housing insecure. Penelope is enthusiastic about her role with the Nonprofit Center, and hopes to make real change within Anne Arundel County.