Accessible Resources for Independence, Inc.

Accessible Resources for Independence (ARI) provides services and support for individuals with disabilities. By offering invaluable resources, meaningful assistance, and personalized care, they encourage autonomy and community engagement. Their mission is “to maximize the independence of people with disabilities, so they enjoy self-directed, productive lives”. 

Incorporated in 2009, ARI was created to support people with disabilities receive equal community access and obtain independence. Since then, they have expanded their mission and efforts to provide support and services for an increasing number of individuals within the county.

ARI operates around five core services: Advocacy, Independent Living Skills Training, Information and Referral, Peer Mentoring, and Transition Services. Their additional programs include Veteran’s Self Directed Services, Housing Navigation, and Assistive Technology. In partnership with Maryland Department of Disabilities Technology Assistance Program Statewide Portable Ramp Access Project, ARI houses and loans out portable ramps of varying sizes and lengths. Consumers may now borrow a ramp for up to 120 days while locating alternative, long-term accessibility solutions.

To learn how to support ARI’s mission, visit their Support Page. Whether you choose to donate financially, as a volunteer, by hosting an event, or by shopping for items and materials online, ARI offers a number of ways to get involved. ARI’s Resource Page provides links and descriptions for nonprofits and government agencies with similar missions. To request their services, visit their Service Page and select the referral form.