Falls Prevention Awareness Week

County Executive Steuart Pittman to Recognize Falls Prevention Awareness Week September 23 - 27, 2024

Winter Holiday Closure Schedule

All senior activity centers will be closed from Tuesday, December 24th through Wednesday, January 1st. They will reopen on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025. View Press Release

Annapolis, MD (September 16, 2024) - Falls are common, no matter your age. Unfortunately, an unexpected fall for an older adult can result in serious and costly injury. The good news is that most falls can be prevented. The Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities is committed to teaching older adults the tools of fall prevention. In recognition of Falls Prevention Awareness week, the Department of Aging and Disabilities will be providing information and tools on how to reduce the risk of falls, a leading cause of serious injury and death among people over age 65.

"Falls Prevention Week is a reminder that we all have a role in creating a safer community," said County Executive Pittman. "By taking proactive steps to promote awareness and prevent falls, we can significantly improve the quality of life for our residents."

“Supporting our residents' independence and safety is a major part of our department’s mission,” said Karrisa Kelly, Director of the Department of Aging and Disabilities. “Providing people with the tools and knowledge they need helps them be healthier, connected to their communities, and safe in their homes. Our goal is to empower residents and promote healthy longevity, so older adults can lead happy, healthy, safe, socially connected lives and feel valued with a sense of purpose.” 

About The Department of Aging and Disabilities

The Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities is dedicated to assisting older adults, adults with disabilities, veterans, and caregivers. The mission of the department is to develop and administer services and programs which promote choice, independence, and dignity for our community members, their families, and caregivers. We advocate for and protect the rights of the aging and sometimes vulnerable population that is on the rise. We will achieve our mission through extensive outreach, leadership, teamwork, professionalism, and commitment to the community we serve. 

For more information about membership, programming, or for accommodations, please contact the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities at 410-222-4257 or by email at info_and_assistance@aacounty.org. TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1. All materials are available in alternative formats upon request.