To analyze mobility in the Brooklyn Park neighborhoods, the Office of Transportation conducted The Brooklyn Park Neighborhood Transportation Study, also known as the Brooklyn Park Mobility Study (BPMS). The BPMS was the first mobility-focused study centering on the neighborhood of Brooklyn Park. The neighborhood and the Anne Arundel County Office of Transportation requested funding for this plan in 2021 with the goal of developing focused recommendations to improve the health and well-being of Brooklyn Park residents through mobility improvements. A major driver for this work was the identification of Brooklyn Park as one of the neighborhoods in Anne Arundel County where the social determinants of public health are significantly worse than neighboring areas in the county. In the study, “mobility” refers to the physical ability for people in Brooklyn Park to move around to access their daily needs, jobs, family, and recreation by walking, biking, taking public transit, and driving. The study included research into the existing multimodal network, traffic and parking, and other elements of the transportation system. It also includes a summary of the public outreach, complete mobility recommendations, programming and policy recommendations, and a prioritized list of projects.
Brooklyn Park Neighborhood Transportation Study

Priority Project #4
- Preliminary Design
This project, funded by the Baltimore Metropolitan Council's Transportation and Land Use Connections Grant Program, will analyze and develop 30% design plans for the pedestrian connections suggested in Priority Project #4 from the BPMS.
- Public Meeting #1 Materials
View the maps showing locations for potential pedestrian improvements
View the slides from the presentation
View the recording of the meeting