Arundel Rivers Federation, Inc.

Arundel Rivers Federation (ARF) is an integral part of maintaining the sanctity of Anne Arundel County waterways, and is dedicated to preserving and protecting the South, West, and Rhode Rivers. Integrating scientific research with community involvement, ARF works to protect wildlife, preserve natural resources, and improve water quality.

Oyster restoration is a crucial component of improving water quality within Anne Arundel County. In partnership with several similar organizations, ARF coordinates with about 100 oyster growers who monitor and implement oyster regrowth. Growers hang cages of spat off of their piers, allowing oysters to reach maturity before joining an oyster reef. Oysters that reach maturity as a result of grower involvement are more likely to survive on an oyster reef than brand-new spat.

ARF creates a course of action based on their extensive River Monitoring programs, which includes Tidal Monitoring, Bacteria Monitoring, Biological Monitoring, and Restoration Research Monitoring. Water quality data is collected by a dedicated team of trained staff and volunteer members. You can access updated water monitoring information on the Department of Natural Resources Eyes on the Bay webpage, where data is updated every fifteen minutes.

There are several ways to get involved with ARF. To learn more about volunteer opportunities, visit their Volunteer page. To report pollution such as algal bloom, oil or hazardous material spill, or illegal fishing activity, visit their Report Pollution page. To advocate for cleaner waterways in Anne Arundel County, visit their Speak Up! page. Be sure to keep an eye on their event page!


arundel rivers federation