Thursday, Apr 10, 2025
Arundel Center
44 Calvert Street, Room 160
Annapolis, MD 21401
44 Calvert Street, Room 160
Annapolis, MD 21401
BA 2-25S (2024-0156-S) BA 3-25V (2024-0109-V) Mark S. Pellicano and Jerren Pellicano (AD 3, CD 5) This is an appeal of the granting of a special exception to allow the expansion of a registered nonconforming use (guest house) in the R1 Residential District, and an appeal of the granting of a variance to allow a dwelling, an accessory structure (shed), and associated facilities with less setbacks and buffer than required and with disturbance to slopes of 15% or greater, on property known as 1714 Winchester Rd., Annapolis.