Have Fun In The Water, But Do It Safely!

From the Anne Arundel County Fire Department:

Whether boating on the Chesapeake Bay, enjoying some of Anne Arundel County’s 500 miles of shoreline or spending time at the local pool, there is no better relief from a hot day than a cool, refreshing dip in the water. With Independence Day right around the corner, the Anne Arundel County Fire Department reminds swimmers, boaters, anglers — everyone headed out on and around the water —to develop a precautionary safety plan and consider the following tips offered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention before heading out:
Top Ten Tips
  • DO learn to swim. If you like to have a good time doing water activities, being a strong swimmer is a must.
  • DO take a friend along. Even though you may be a good swimmer, you never know when you may need help. Having friends around is safer and just more fun!
  • DO know your limits. Watch out for the “too’s” — too tired, too cold, too far from safety, too much sun, too much hard activity.
  • DO swim in supervised (watched) areas only, and follow all signs and warnings.
  • DO wear a life jacket when boating, jet skiing, water skiing, rafting, or fishing.
  • DO stay alert to currents. They can change quickly! If you get caught in a strong current, don’t fight it. Swim parallel to the shore until you have passed through it. Near piers, jetties (lines of big rocks), small dams, and docks, the current gets unpredictable and could knock you around. If you find it hard to move around, head to shore. Learn to recognize and watch for dangerous waves and signs of rip currents — water that is a weird color, really choppy, foamy, or filled with debris.
  • DO keep an eye on the weather. If you spot bad weather (dark clouds, lighting), pack up and take the fun inside.
  • DON’T mess around in the water. Pushing or dunking your friends can get easily out of hand.
  • DON’T dive into shallow water. If you don’t know how deep the water is, don’t dive.
  • DON’T float where you can’t swim. Keep checking to see if the water is too deep, or if you are too far away from the shore or the poolside.
If an emergency occurs, immediately call 9-1-1 and remember to Reach, Throw, Row and Go:
REACH the person in trouble by extending a releasable item, such as a pole, line or rope to pull them to safety, but not by hand as the rescuer could quickly become another victim.
THROW an object that floats to the victim if they are unreachable. A life ring, life jacket, cooler or plastic jug are suitable floating objects that can keep a troubled swimmer afloat until help arrives.
ROW to the victim, using a canoe or any other safe watercraft. The rescuer must wear a life jacket. Once the victim is nearby, a rope or paddle should be extended and used to tow the victim to shore if possible.
GO to the victim by entering the water as a last resort and ONLY if properly trained. The rescuer should bring an object to keep the victim afloat and to prevent being pulled under.
The members of the Anne Arundel County Fire Department wish everyone a fun and safe Independence Day holiday.