"What a cluster" is a term I have used often in the last 4 years, because the 5th district has been ground zero for well-intentioned development law that had a loophole. Cluster development was a priority for me when I ran in 2018, and I promised I would be relentless until I updated the code. After several councilmembers before me making multiple attempts to update this law, and my own first attempt being unsuccessful, I am thrilled that Bill 73-22 passed UNANIMOUSLY during one of our recent council meetings


I also committed to increase transparency in development, and my Bill 82-22 also passed UNANIMOUSLY. This bill will ensure that community organizations are involved in the entire notification process of development, including modification applications.


I am so incredibly thankful for the community leaders and residents who have been a partner in every piece of legislation that has improved our development code and for the trust you instilled in me to get the job done.