police BQ group

It was a wonderful evening recognizing the awardees, but also our entire police department who have served under incredible circumstances and challenges the last two years. The stories behind each awardee were incredible examples of professionalism, service, and bravery.

The evening concluded with a powerful moment, presenting awards to the entire team of police department personnel who responded to the calls for "officer down" in February of 2020. One by one, they came to the front of the room for their award, recognizing their heroic efforts over the course of several days. Dispatch, forensics, investigators. The story of those days was retold, starting with the first 911 call, the shooting of Detective's Ballard and Preece, the eventual safe apprehension of the suspect, and the recent guilty verdict that will keep this violent offender off of our streets. It was a day that could have been terribly tragic for our county, had it not been for the actions of everyone involved in the department. To our entire police department, I thank you for the job you do, your level of professionalism, and example of incredible service you set each and every day.

police BQ program