Shipley's Choice Dam Rehabilitation Project Update

Please read the update, courtesy of Larry Mathena, PMP, Watershed Protection and Restoration Program:

Homeowner Association Officials/Residents - Here's a quick update on the Shipley's Choice Dam Rehabilitation Project:

Ferguson Trenching, the utility subcontractor, is completing work on the bypass utility lines (gas, water, and sewer).  With the bypass lines in place, the abandoned lines under West Benfield Road will be removed and culvert construction will begin.

Corman (culvert subcontractor) will begin excavation through the road for the culvert in July, followed by pile driving in early August.

There should be no vehicle, bike, or pedestrian access through the construction site.  Bikers in particular continue to travel through the site.  Once the large excavation is made for the culvert, it will be impossible to safely travel through the site.  A biker traveling through in the dark could end up at the bottom of the deep excavation.  The Contractor will place large barriers at both ends of the road closure to prevent access.  

A full project update will be provided in July.

Office:  410-222-7908