EXTENDED – County Board of Appeals of Anne Arundel County – Applicants Sought

Annapolis, Md (November 14, 2022) The Anne Arundel County Council is now accepting applications from qualified voters interested in serving on the County Board of Appeals of Anne Arundel County. Each member of the Board of Appeals is entitled to an annual salary and allowances as provided for under § 3-1-102 of the County Code. An appointment to this important Board shows a strong commitment to the community and is a great service to the County.

The County Board of Appeals is established pursuant to Sec. 601 of the County Charter. It hears appeals related to zonings, licenses, permits, and executive, administrative, and adjudicatory orders and issues decisions on the same. Decisions of the Board of Appeals are subject to judicial review.

The Board of Appeals consists of seven qualified voters of the County appointed by the County Council by a resolution adopted within thirty days after the Council takes office. Appointments shall be for a term conterminous with that of the Council or until a successor qualifies. All members of the Board must be residents of Anne Arundel County and appointments must be made so that not more than a majority of the Board are members of the same political party. A member who has served two consecutive terms is not eligible for appointment to a third consecutive term.

A letter of interest that indicates party affiliation, a completed conflict of interest disclosure form, and a current resume that includes an email address must be received in the Office of the County Council by 4:00 p.m. on December 16. Please send all application packets to CouncilAdmin@aacounty.org.

More information on the Board of Appeals is available here: www.aacounty.org/boards-and-commissions/board-of-appeals/.