County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Texas School Shooting

Annapolis, MD (May 24, 2022) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement on the school shooting that occurred earlier today in Uvalde, Texas:


“Today, eighteen children - little elementary school children - and three adults were gunned down by a troubled and angry eighteen-year old.


Families, neighbors, and a school community are gripped by shock and will soon descend into grief. At some point they will ask themselves the same question we asked ourselves in Annapolis in 2018. What can we do to prevent this from ever happening again?


We must ask that question, and we must be brave enough to act on the answers, even when it’s politically difficult to do so.


In this community, we created a plan. Here is the link. Our Anne Arundel County Department of Health is leading the implementation of that plan, with full engagement by our interagency Gun Violence Intervention Team. 


Please attend our June 2, 6pm meeting at the Michael E. Busch Annapolis Library and join our effort to stop this madness, to treat the people who should not be armed, and to prevent some people from being armed.


And while prayers may not solve the problem, they do help. Please pray for the people of Uvalde, Texas.”