County Executive Signs Bill Continuing Outdoor Dining for Restaurants, Executive Order Ending State of Emergency

Bill and executive order both go into effect today

Annapolis, MD (June 9, 2021) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman signed Bill 55-21 into law, providing restaurants continued outdoor dining privileges through Nov. 1, 2021, and then signed an executive order officially terminating the County’s State of Emergency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the bill and executive order went into effect upon signature. County Executive Pittman issued the following statement:

“Signing Bill 55-21 supports our local business owners as they continue recovering from the economic impacts of the pandemic. I want to thank the County Council for coming together through bipartisan compromise with my administration, so that we could focus on giving our businesses the tools they need to thrive.

With the protections put in place with this bill, I was able to sign Executive Order Number 49, which ends Anne Arundel County's state of emergency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. 

While the emergency order has ended, COVID has not. We are seeing the work of the vaccines in our low case and hospitalization rates - the numbers give us hope that the pandemic is truly coming to an end. But we must finish this fight strong, and we must see a summer surge in vaccinations to prevent a fall surge in cases to end this pandemic.”

View Executive Order 49