County Executive, Department of Aging and Disabilities Announce Reopening, Lifted Restrictions, and Additional Programming at Senior Activity Centers

Four currently closed centers will reopen June 28; three open centers to lift room capacities and offer additional programming beginning June 2

Annapolis, MD (May 25, 2021) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman and the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities announced today that four currently closed senior activity centers will reopen on June 28, while certain restrictions will be lifted on three currently open centers on June 2.

“Reopening our senior activity centers allows our older adults to enjoy a greater sense of normalcy, a return to the programming they enjoyed before the pandemic prevented us from gathering in person,” Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman said. “Our ability to open these centers - and keep them open - rests with the continued increase in vaccinations. We need a summer surge in vaccinations to prevent a fall surge in cases.”

The four centers currently closed - South County, Arnold, O’Malley, and Brooklyn Park - will reopen for regular programming on June 28. Those centers will offer outdoor programming to members one day per week at each center until reopening on June 28 with the same guidelines in place as at the three centers currently open for programming. 

“We are grateful to our county partners for giving us the tools to reopen our senior activity centers safely and efficiently, and we are looking forward to reopening the four remaining centers at the end of June,” said Karrisa Gouin, Director of the Department of Aging and Disabilities. 

The three centers currently open - Annapolis, Pasadena, and Pascal - will operate in two blocks of time each day they are open, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., providing scheduled programming on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. There will be scheduled programs, as well as the opportunity for free leisure pursuits such as billiards, playing cards, and socialization.

The senior centers will not be serving lunch, but frozen food distribution provided by the Senior Nutrition Program will continue on Tuesdays at each center. Closing for lunch allows for cleaning of the center, as well as for members to leave to get lunch and return in the afternoon. 

Capacity limits will be based on building occupancy limits, and there will be no limits on social distancing. Health screening will continue to be conducted for each member each time they visit the center. 

County employees, contractors, vendors, and members will be required to wear a mask in the center at all times. All existing procedures for cleaning and monitoring for symptoms or illness will continue. 

Center members are able to sign up for in-person Anne Arundel Community College classes, fitness classes, educational presentations, and arts and crafts activities. 

Registration may be accessed online at to sign up for these programs. Registration may also be accessed by calling your local senior activity center, and individuals can also sign up for a monthly virtual programming newsletter delivered directly to their email inbox by clicking here.

Please speak with your health care provider to assess your individual risk to determine if you should access the center.

Senior activity center members and individuals age 55 and over are encouraged to visit the Department of Aging and Disabilities website at or call 410-222-4464 for continued updates during the reopening phase. For transportation to and from the centers, call 410-222-0022. TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1. All materials are available in alternative formats upon request.