Anne Arundel County Police Body-Worn Camera Program Web Page Launch

The Anne Arundel County Police Department is on schedule for the implementation of the body worn camera (BWC) program. Training for officers is anticipated to begin in July and continue through September of this year. The goals of the body-worn camera program are to:

  • strengthen police accountability
  • promote de-escalation
  • enhance the ability to resolve officer-involved incidents and complaints
  • improve transparency
  • identify and correct internal agency issues
  • strengthen officer performance and safety
  • increase community safety


The police department is entering the initial community engagement phase of the Body Worn Camera (BWC) program. The agency, in coordination with the Anne Arundel County Executive’s Office, will share information with the community about the body worn cameras. As of March 31, 2021, the department's Body Worn Camera Program web page is accessible online with information about the program. The web page may be viewed at:

This website provides information about the status of the BWC program, frequently asked questions and press releases.

The Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission has set guidelines for the development of agency BWC program policy, which apply to all Maryland police agencies that use BWC's. The Anne Arundel County Police Department has established standard operating procedures related to the use and management of our body worn cameras.

The agency is on track to start the BWC training for our sworn officers this summer and the agency is continuing to hire additional staff to manage and maintain the body worn camera program.