County Executive Pittman Names Pamela Jordan to Health and Human Services Post

Annapolis, Md. (July 8, 2020) County Executive Steuart Pittman today announced his interim choice for the County’s top Health and Human Services position.  Pamela Jordan, who currently serves as the Director of the Department of Aging and Disabilities will fill the position previously held by Kai Boggess-de Bruin, PhD.  Dr. Boggess-de Bruin was appointed to the Chief of Staff position effective July 1, 2020.  

Ms. Jordan brings to the role more than 40 years of institutional knowledge in Anne Arundel County government that is key to leading the county’s health and human services agencies through extraordinary times.  Ms. Jordan has been known throughout her career for her insight and flexibility to customize essential and daily services - a quality that has served those most at risk during the county’s response to COVID-19.   

“Measuring a community by its health and wellness has been a cornerstone of my administration since the beginning,” said County Executive Steuart Pittman.  “Response to COVID-19 from within the Health and Human Services agencies continues to surpass expectations, not the least of which is the leadership demonstrated by Ms. Jordan and the Department of Aging and Disabilities.  I have full confidence that her depth of knowledge of county government will be helpful to the entire HHS team as we build back better.”

In addition to her current position, Ms. Jordan has served as the county’s coordinator for the Americans with Disabilities Act, Director of Communications for the former Land Use and Environment Core Group, held multiple positions within the Department of Public Works, Inspections and Permits and the Office of Planning and Zoning, and engaged in extensive community work as a team member and Acting Director of what is now the Office of Community Engagement and Constituent Services. 

“I am honored to serve the Pittman Administration in this capacity,” stated Ms. Jordan.  “I have a passion for innovative, results-oriented public service and take the responsibility and accountability that comes with public service very seriously.  I’m excited to bring the same passion and depth of experience in identifying resources within government and in our community that has resulted in real solutions and builds on the energy of this administration and the HHS Core Group.”

During Ms. Jordan’s time in this position, the Department of Aging and Disabilities will be led by the agency’s most senior administrator, Karrisa Gouin.