Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities to Recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Annapolis, MD (June 10, 2019) - The Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, older adults across the county, and those who care for them will participate nationally and world-wide to recognize World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, highlighting the often under identified problem of elder abuse.  Each year, an estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10, older Americans experience abuse, neglect, or exploitation. For every case of elder abuse that is reported, as many as 24 may go unreported.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, commemorated on June 15th every year,  is an opportunity for individuals and communities around the world to increase understanding of the seriousness of elder abuse and neglect. The theme this year is "Lifting Up Voices," with the goal of bringing to the forefront the lived experiences of older people around the globe.

Elder abuse comes in many forms: physical abuse, psychological or verbal abuse, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, and neglect. On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, individuals and organizations can take action to protect older people by raising awareness of elder abuse and what we can do to stop it.
"We can all provide support by asking questions, listening to older adults, and maintaining communication, a great defense against isolation and abuse," stated Pamela Jordan, Director of the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities.  "Working together, we can build the social supports to prevent elder abuse and keep everyone safe as we age."

The Anne Arundel County Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program will be giving presentations with information about elder abuse in the county's senior activity centers. All are encouraged to attend and wear purple to show support for the safety and well-being of our elders. Presentations will be held as follows:

June 13th 11am at Arnold Senior Activity Center
June 14th at 10am at Pascal Senior Activity Center
June 14th at 11am at Annapolis Senior Activity Center 
June 14th at 11am at South County Senior Activity Center
June 18th at 11:30am at Pasadena Senior Activity Center

Throughout the year, Anne Arundel County citizens can help by visiting older neighbors or neighbors with disabilities to check on them and to keep a watchful eye to make sure they are being treated with dignity. If you see signs of potential abuse in the community, report it to the police and/or to Adult Protective Services by calling 410-421-8400. If you see maltreatment in a nursing home or assisted living home, report it to the Anne Arundel County Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program at 410-222-4257. You may remain anonymous if you feel uncomfortable identifying yourself. If you believe a situation is life threatening, call 911 and get help immediately.
For accommodations to one of the senior activity centers for a presentation, please call 410-222-4257.  TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1.  All materials may be printed in alternative format.