Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide adequate services to the enfranchised population we serve, through a collaborative effort of family, schools & community, which is beneficial to leading a productive lifestyle through the facilitation of educational resources, mentorship, and emotional and social intelligence. Building transferable skill sets, which lead to a transformed life.
Our Vision
To create an environment that fosters communication and encourages mutual respect between all participants; thus promoting a culture of teamwork, accountability, and dedication that strengthens the contributions to relationships with family, co-workers, our clients, and the community.
7 Pillars of Principles
Where we shall begin to understand that differences in race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation as well as differing ideals, cultures, and beliefs contribute to the fundamental core of our existence.
Where we shall create an environment of mutual respect and transparency that will foster a culture of creativity and acceptance.
Where we shall take responsibility for our actions both collectively and individually as it relates to the mission and vision of the unit.
Where we shall endeavor to remain firm, fair, and impartial, with all consistency of character, in our beliefs, values, and principles pertaining to our co-workers, the community, and the population we serve.
Where we shall contribute to having a dialogue, which is diverse, conscientious, and persistently evolving.
Where we shall disseminate and receive information, non-prejudicial, nonjudgmental, and empathetically tolerant of the perceiver.
Where we shall establish common bonds to promote cohesive and binding relationships through networking and service that may strengthen the population we serve.
A free, anonymous, automated telephone service that provides victims of crime with two important services: information and notification. VINE provides you with vital court case and custody information for an offender currently involved in the criminal justice system in Maryland. You can register to receive telephone notification for certain court case and custody status events. Registration can be done by telephone by calling the Maryland Statewide VINE program toll-free at 1-866-MD4VINE (1-866-634-8463) and follow the prompts. You can also register by e-mail by going to www.vinelink.com. If your case goes on to the State’s Attorney’s Office, you want to make sure that you complete the Maryland Crime Victim Notification Request and Demand for Rights Form. VINE will let you know if the offender is in the detention center, transferred to another location, or released from placement.
The Maryland Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (MCICB) was established to provide financial assistance to Maryland’s crime victims when other resources are not available. Victims or surviving family members of deceased victims may be eligible to be reimbursed for their medical, mental health, and/or funeral expenses and/or lost income resulting from a crime under certain conditions involving physical injury, emotional trauma or death directly related to the crime. For further information and assistance in filing, call or write or contact by Internet:
MD Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Suite 206, Plaza Office Center
6776 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21215-2340
Local: (410) 585-3010
TTY-TTD: 1-800-735-2258
Toll Free Number: 1-888-679-9347
Website: www.dpscs.state.md.us/victimservs
You can call 1-866-559-8017 (toll free) to find out if a registered sex offender has moved into a certain area. Call the alert line and enter your phone number and zip code. When the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services receives notice that a registered sex offender is moving into that area, you will receive a notification call. Then you will be directed to the Maryland Sex Offender Registry at www.socem.info for more information. The Maryland Sex Offender Alert Line will send you a phone call when a convicted sex offender moves into your zip code area if you do the above steps.
This program prevents perpetrators of domestic violence from using public records to find their victims. The program is designed to make it harder for attackers to find their victims, empowers the state to establish a substitute address for those who have suffered abuse so they can apply for driver’s licenses or register to vote without revealing where they live. The service allows victims to have their mail sent to the dummy address and then forwarded to their homes. More information can be obtained by going to www.marylandsos.gov or call 1-800-633-9657, extension 3875.
This line also is accessible to those who are deaf.
Maryland Attorney General's Office - Victim Services or call (410) 576-6405 or 1-888-743-0023
The Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center, Inc.
Offers advice and referral services, and a Crime Victim Legal Advocacy Program.
Call 1-877-VICTIM-1 or 1-877-842-8461.