Resolution 38-19

RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of the acquisition of real property consisting of approximately 19.43 acres, more or less, known as "Quiet Waters Retreat"

Introduced by Mr. Pruski, Chairman (by request of the County Executive)

RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of the acquisition of real property consisting of approximately 19.43 acres, more or less, known as "Quiet Waters Retreat", and more particularly described as County Tax Map 56, Parcel 87 ("Property") from Julie Scolnik Brower, Michael Caruthers, Marilyn Greenberg, The Trust under the Will of George Revitz f/b/o Marilyn Greenberg, Nina Scolnik Jack, QT Waters LLC, Laura Revitz, and Donna Scolnik ("Sellers"), utilizing funds from the Advance Land Acquisition Capital Project 

