Ecological Assessment & Evaluation

The Ecological Assessment and Evaluation (EAE) Program is responsible for the administration of the County’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System -- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (NPDES-MS4) Permit, the County’s Biological Monitoring Program, and a variety of Non-tidal Surface Water Monitoring Program projects.

The Ecological Assessment and Evaluation (EAE) Program is responsible for the administration of the County’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System -- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (NPDES-MS4) Permit, the County’s Biological Monitoring Program, and a variety of Non-tidal Surface Water Monitoring Program projects. EAE staff work closely with other County agencies to provide program and project interpretation and implementation within the confines of State and County law.

The EAE Program initiates special studies, projects, and assessments to examine and document the current condition of the County’s aquatic and riparian area resources. The monitoring programs strive to inform our restoration efforts that lead to achieving the TMDL-required pollutant load reductions and MS4-required impervious area management, as well as result in the overall enhancement of our natural non-tidal resources. All is done with an eye toward balancing resource protection with the necessity of executing projects designed to maintain and improve the health of our natural aquatic systems.

Collaborative Research Partnerships

The EAE Program continues to develop collaborative research relationships with academic and research institutions, State and Federal agencies, and individual researchers. The research includes... 

Team Contacts

Team MemberRole
Ginger EllisPlanning Administrator 
Janis MarkusicSenior Planner
Chris VictoriaWater Quality Compliance Specialist
Bryan PerryProgram Specialist II
Doug GriffithPlanner II
Alex DysonProgram Specialist I