General Liability Claim

Risk Management investigates and resolves claims against Anne Arundel County Government.

Risk Management investigates and resolves claims against Anne Arundel County Government. Individuals can file a liability claim against the County for loss, property damage, or injury caused by any alleged negligence of Anne Arundel County and/or its employees.


  • Pothole accidents
  • Auto collisions with county vehicles
  • Damaged property due to fallen trees
  • Injury/damage caused by Anne Arundel County government employees

How to

Claims are accepted by hand delivery, U.S. mail, telephone, or fax. The notice must contain the following information:
  • Claimant Identity, name, address, phone numbers, date of birth, email address, date and approximate time of the accident, loss and/or damage sustained, location of loss, cause of damage or injury, nature of loss and other relevant circumstances.

Claim Forms Available:

Mail form to:

Anne Arundel County Risk Management
PO Box 6675
Annapolis, MD. 21401

Fax form to: (410) 222-7640

Email form to: