Grief Support

Grief Support is available for older adults who are struggling with any type of loss. 

Are you grieving the loss of a loved one? You don't have to walk this path alone. The Department of Aging and Disabilities’ grief support program provides a safe, caring space to connect with others who understand the pain of loss.

In this program, you will:

Share your experiences and feelings with others who have been through similar losses.
Gain comfort and support from a community that understands.
Learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with grief.
Find hope and strength as you move forward on your healing journey.

We are here for you if you have experienced:

The death of a spouse, partner, or family member
The loss of a friend or close confidant
Any other significant loss that has brought you grief

We offer one-on-one and group support meetings at various locations. Confidentiality is respected. No registration is required. We welcome you to join us at any time.

For more information, please contact the Department of Aging and Disabilities Grief Counselor, Beth Mucciacciaro, RN at (410) 222-0263 or

You are not alone. We are here for you.