Organizational Accreditation

To ensure compliance with departmental standards regarding access to public facilities, the Department of Recreation and Parks has established an accreditation process for all organizations and groups.

The purpose of organizational accreditation is to foster and facilitate the role of the Department in promoting and ensuring the quality and diversity of athletic and recreational programming in Anne Arundel County.
Accreditation does not provide automatic access to Board of Education and/or Department of Recreation and Parks facilities/fields. An accredited organization demonstrates that it has met departmental standards and is eligible to access Board of Education and/or Department of Recreation and Parks facilities/fields, (does not include Regional Parks) using the facility scheduling process. Please refer to the Facility Scheduling Guidelines for the facility use prioritization of County-owned facilities. 

In order to align with the Department's new vision, the Facility Scheduling Working Group reviewed the Organizational Accreditation and Facility Scheduling Sections of the Guidelines and Reference Manual. This was done to support the Department's goals. The Working Group made modifications to these sections based on feedback and input from Community-based Recreation Associations. The Department welcomes further feedback and input from stakeholders to help improve these sections of the manual.

FAQ's for Organization Accreditation and Facility Scheduling

In order to be considered for accreditation, an organization must complete the accreditation application.  

REQUIRED and Informational Documents

* Refer to the Recreation and Parks Guidelines and Reference Manual for the classifications of accreditation and detailed information about the organizational accreditation process.

Contact Us


1 Harry S Truman Pkwy, Annapolis, MD 21401
