Family Stability

Helping homeless families and families at-risk of homelessness achieve stability.

Woman with phone headset

Need help?

If you are interested in receiving services, please call our Resource Line at 1-800-485-0041 to speak to our Intake Coordinator and be assessed for eligibility.

The Partnership - in collaboration with ACDS, United Way of Central Maryland, The William J. and Dorthy K. O’Neill Foundation, Anne Arundel County Public Schools, and other key partners - provides assistance to families who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness.
Our programs/services include:

Homelessness Prevention is an intensive case management program for families with school-aged children who are at risk of eviction/homelessness. Some families in our North County Homelessness Prevention program are also eligible to receive family coaching through our 2 Generation Project with UWCM and the O’Neill Foundation. 

Shelter Diversion is an intensive case management program for families with school-aged children who are experiencing homelessness. This can include families living in non-traditional settings (like a car or tent), in shelters, in hotels, or who are “doubled up” with other families or family members but lack a safe, adequate fixed location to sleep every night.

Operation: Open Doors is a collaboration with Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Families referred to the Partnership by AACPS staff may be eligible for Section 8 housing vouchers. OOD staff assist family members in assembling and submitting their voucher applications and then provide case management to the family if their voucher is approved, helping them obtain housing and establish stability and self-sufficiency.

If you are interested in receiving services, please call our Resource Line at 1-800-485-0041 to speak to our Intake Coordinator and be assessed for eligibility.

Family Stability Staff

Elma Jones, Acting Family Stability Deputy Director
Lolita Andrews, Case Manager
Asya Bridges, Trainee Case Manager
Royshonda Boulden, 2 Gen Family Coach
Paulette Dyson, Case Manager
Stephon Hutt, Case Manager/Housing Specialist
Renee Williams, Case Manager
Lizette Smith, Case Manager
Ashley Donovan, Case Manager
Gwendolyn Branch, Family Coach
Tia Childs, Case Manager