Provide high quality educational resources to create environments that encourage learners to become college or career ready, engage in life-long learning, and emerge as well-rounded and globally-competitive.
Community Wellness
Create a culture that promotes every aspect of well-being (including environmental, social, physical, spiritual and mental health) throughout the county.
Public Safety
Create communities that are safe and resilient.
Environment & Sustainabilitty
Protect our environment by promoting conservation of natural resources and sustainable, resilient smart growth.
Economic Opportunity
Create an environment that fosters sustainable, socially responsible business practices to ensure equal access to the thriving market place and enjoyment of economic growth.
Livable Communities
Make our communities inclusive, safe, accessible, and sustainable to meet the changing needs of our diverse population.
Modernize Government
Build an efficient and transparent government that can move quickly to meet the demands of our fast-paced world.
Pittman Principles
Restore Trust
Engage residents, share information, monitor performance metrics, and deliver on promises.
Related Impact Areas
Create Economic Opportunity for All
Confront the causes of poverty, including wages, housing, transportation, childcare, education, and institutional racism.
Related Impact Areas
Implement Smart Growth Policies
Promote future equity and health by shifting from sprawl development to preservation of natural resources and development where infrastructure exists.
Related Impact Areas
Promote Health and Wellness
Prioritize government investment in programs and infrastructure that enhance public health and thereby improve quality of life.