DPW Bureaus

Water Service Inventory Program
In response to the EPA’s LCRR, Anne Arundel County launched the Water Service Inventory Program, a comprehensive initiative to meet the requirements of the revised regulations.

Public Works Text Alerts
Residents can subscribe to the Department of Public Works text alert system. Anne Arundel County utilizes an emergency notification system, CivicReady©, capable of contacting citizens and businesses quickly in case of an emergency, such as road closures. When signing up for alerts, select the group listed under "Public Works" called "AACoDPW-General".
DPW News

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Map
Sanitary sewer overflows are caused by sewer system obstructions, damage, or flows in excess of sewer capacity. View information about overflows that have occurred in Anne Arundel County.
Orange Notices
Non Discrimination & Title VI
Anne Arundel County is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.