County Executive's Internship Program

The County Executive's Internship Program is designed to identify and develop the future talents of students throughout Anne Arundel County. The internships are an extension of academic instruction and provide the opportunity to turn classroom instruction into practical application in the workplace. 

Anne Arundel County Interns utilize their academic knowledge and skills to support and contribute to the primary assignments and projects of their internship. To ensure meaningful work and growth, specific objectives are established at the departmental level, and the progress of the internship is periodically assessed against these objectives.

Through Anne Arundel County's Internship Program, students are granted valuable exposure to the practical aspects of business and public administration. This program enables them to establish professional connections, gain firsthand experience, and potentially shape their career path.


  • County Executive Pittman is pleased to offer Internship opportunities for college undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in enhancing their academic and career pursuits, earning college credit for this learning experience as well as learning about Anne Arundel County government. 
  • Students will apply and be selected to participate in an internship in one (1) or more department(s) related to their field of study. 
  • If the student is pursuing academic credit the department will provide the intern with a learning experience and the opportunity to earn the necessary hours in order to receive college credit for this experience related to their field of study. The hours will be earned over a period which coincides with the college semester. Students will intern as much time as their schedule allows and/or in order to earn the necessary hours to receive college credit. If the student earns the required number of hours for credit the internship may be concluded. 
  • Participation in these internships can also be for experience only and not for academic credit. 
  • The program will be implemented by the Internship Coordinator in the Office of Personnel. Interns will attend an orientation on the morning of their first day in the Office of Personnel. 

Program Eligibility

  • Undergraduate and graduate students actively attending an accredited college or university are eligible to participate in this program. 
  • Students must have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the undergraduate level at the graduate level. 
  • A college transcript is required as evidence of GPA. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. 

Application Process 

If you are interested, please complete the Internship Application, specify the internship for which you are applying, and submit the application with a college transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable) indicating your cumulative grade point average GPA to the Internship Program Coordinator at or mail it to: 

Anne Arundel County Government 
Office of Personnel 
Attention: Internship Program Coordinator 
Post Office Box 6675 
Annapolis, Maryland 21401 

View Internship Opportunities