bill 15-23 Earleigh Hts

I joined the County Executive, Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company Chief, Dave Crawford and President Joe Angyelof Jr for the signing of Bill 15-23 that passed unanimously at our last council meeting.

I introduced this bill after years of discussion with the Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company (EHVFC) and their desire to use the land they own to partner with a commercial entity. This will allow them the financial stability to pursue the construction of a new fire station on the same property ($25-$30Million), while still preserving space for the beloved annual carnival, Christmas tree sales, and other community oriented events. This is the first step of many in the process.

The EHVFC has a history that goes back more than 100 years in our district and is the most central fire station in the entire county, staffed with both career and volunteer firefighters. Our volunteers are great partners in emergency response, and committed to supporting our community. Their current fire station has served them well, but has exceeded its lifetime usage and limits their ability to modernize with current fire apparatus, and house firefighters comfortably for shifts.

This location and their future is critical to the public safety of our county.

You can read about their history by visiting their website “about” section.

Thank you to each of my colleagues, and the administration for their support.