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Pay Utility / Water Bill
Pay your water / utility bill online using our online payment system
Report Water/Sewer Emergency
Emergency Services answers customer calls 365 days a year, 24 hours a day
Drinking Water Quality Reports
View the past Annual Water Quality Reports from the Bureau of Utility Operations.
Our wAAter
Learn about the Anne Arundel clean water program
DPW Text AlertsSign up to receive emergency alerts and severe weather warnings that could directly impact you and your family
Drinking Water Quality ReportsView annual reports detailing the quality of our award winning water
Fire Flow TestsFire flow tests provide actual pressure and flow data measured at specific fire hydrants (FH) within the County’s water distribution system.
Leak AdjustmentDepartment of Public Works offers a "Leak Adjustment" as a benefit to our customers faced with the expense of costly plumbing repairs and the associated high utility bill.
Pretreatment ProgramThe Department of Public Works is authorized to implement its pretreatment program in an effort to eliminate contributions of pollutants that could cause harm to or interfere with the County wastewater collection system.
Sanitary Sewer Overflow MapSanitary sewer overflows are caused by sewer system obstructions, data, or flows in excess of sewer capacity. See various maps depicting sanitary sewer overflow events.
Sewer CleanoutsFind information about how to locate your sewer cleanout
Sewer/Wastewater SystemThe wastewater system is divided into ten service areas. The Bureau operates Water Reclamation Facilities in nine (9) of those areas and has ten connections with three other jurisdictions (Baltimore County, Baltimore City, and Howard County).
Utility Billing InformationFind information, forms, and frequently asked questions about the utility billing process.
Water Distribution SystemThe water supply system consists of 3 independent wells and 8 major water treatment facilities and provides clean safe drinking water to thousands of county customers.
Water Line MaintenanceA comprehensive program of on-going investigation and preventative maintenance maximizes system performance and is more economical than expensive and inconvenient emergency repairs.
Water/Sewer ConnectionsLearn about connecting to the county's water and sewer services.
Water/Sewer EmergencyEmergency Services answers customer calls regarding their water and wastewater service, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day
Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee Appeal ProgramThe Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee (WPRF) Appeal Program is intended for property owners who feel that they have been billed in error.