Simone Flynn
University of Maryland

Simone Flynn is a junior at the University of Maryland at College Park where she is studying Government & Politics (GVPT) with a constitutional concentration in Law & Society and Philosophy. She has aspirations of becoming a lawyer and working in either family law or civil litigation.

Simone is focused on creating a positive impact on the world. Her interest in government service started in high school. During her junior and senior year the black lives matter movement fueled her commitment to social justice; her focus is always how she can help. This passion led her to serve as a Virtual Page for the 2021 Maryland General Assembly and an inaugural member on the first Anne Arundel County (AACO), Maryland Minority Youth Advisory Council – a collaboration in policing and social justice between youth and law enforcement. During her search to find ways to help her community, she led and coordinated a six-week youth program for students interested in government at the AACO - Office of the County Executive.

Simone loves being a Maryland Terp and has excelled in her college environment. Her dedication to academic excellence landed her on the Dean’s List and being selected to serve on the Dean’s Student Advisory Council as the GVPT Representative in the Behavioral & Social Sciences College where she represents over 1000 students majoring in GVPT. She is an active member in two Justice and Government Clubs: IGNITE and the Student Success Leadership Council, where she serves on the executive boards.