Locate your school
Visit the Anne Arundel County Public School website to locate your neighborhood school.
School Bus Information
Anne Arundel County Public School Bus Schedules & Information.
AACPS Main Page
Anne Arundel County Public School Homepage.
Strategic Plan Indicators
This page will serve as a performance dashboard to visually showcase our Strategic Plan progress.
Data Dashboard
This dashboard tracks the progress on data that aligns with the strategic plan for AACPS.
COVID-19 Dashboard
Anne Arundel County Public School COVID Dashboard Information.
Fast Facts
Fact sheet about Anne Arundel County Schools
Opportunity Gap Report
The Joint Initiative to Eliminate the Opportunity Gap, comprised of school system and county employees, parents, and community members.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
It is the mission of Anne Arundel County Public Schools to nurture and educate all of our students to be well-prepared for community engagement, career entry, and college - ultimately empowering them to create a better quality of life for themselves, their communities, and the next generation. Our students will graduate as caring citizens with the dispositions and skills necessary to think, read, write, compute, collaborate, and communicate effectively in our fast-paced, complex world. They will be ready to think critically and creatively; work independently and collaboratively with others from diverse backgrounds; engage in innovative interdisciplinary analysis and problem solving, and confidently contribute to solutions for real world issues.