Police Internship Program

Contact Information
Position Type
Not paid

Type of student? Undergraduate
College Major Preference? Criminal Justice Major or related Majors
Anticipated length of intern project?  Semester
Are there any required days or hours for this internship project? No
When would you like the student to start/end?- Fall, Spring and Summer
Is this a paid position? No
Briefly describe the main purpose of the internship? The main purpose of the internship program is to educate college students about Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System by encouraging them to develop the skills and desire necessary to serve in a public safety capacity through meaningful and appropriate volunteer work.
List preferred experience /courses taken. Criminal Justice and related courses of study
Describe the intern's principal learning assignments and or projects. What will the intern learn about, be exposed to, or assist with? What will the intern learn about, be exposed to, or assist with? The intern's principal learning assignment will be exposure to the various units throughout the department. The intern will be assigned to units such as our District police stations, where they would perform administrative duties and have access to station officers and district detectives. They can also do ride alongs with the district officers. They will be assigned to our Criminal Investigation s Division where they will learn how detectives investigate cases and how crimes are solved through various investigative resources. They will also be exposed to many others units within the department.
Describe what the intern will achieve through this experience? The intern will achieve and experience the real world of the criminal justice and Law Enforcement work first-hand by working side by side with law enforcement officers.

If you are interested, please complete the Intern Application, Authorization for Release of Personal Information (must be signed and notarized), and Request for Records Check. In addition we also require a cover letter, a letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor or professor, and an official college transcript indicating your cumulative grade point average.

Submit all completed documents to joinaapolice@aacounty.org or mail to:

Anne Arundel County Police Department
Recruitment Unit
8495 Veterans Highway, Millersville, MD 21108